Thursday, July 31, 2014

Donate Towards Nokotsudo (Columbarium)

Payments and Donations

Please fill out the Nokotsudo Agreement Form

The nokotsudo is a special area for the storage of ashes of loved ones. The nokotsudo was built and assembled by volunteer members of the temple. Funding was provided by generous donations of Sangha members. There are two types of placements. One is the shelf type where the urn is placed next to each other. The other type is where urns are placed in individual niche. There is an altar within the nokotsudo where family members may offer incense and flowers in a quiet setting.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Announcements - May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014

Gary Yamashita
Reminder that the Colfax Marathon is being run in 2 weeks. There are 25 runners participating from the Temple and affiliated groups. The Marathon is a fundraiser supporting the Temple and Childrens Hospital. Please support these efforts, we are at only 42% of our goal!  On the Temple website, donate via online.  Gary will be at bake sale should you wish to drop off a check. Thank you!

Michelle Asakawa, Dharma School Co-Superintendant
Today's bake sale hosted by the 5th graders; next week its the 4th grade.  Only two more Dharma School classes left and will be capped off with our annual Picnic on June 1.  New location is Broomfield Community Park and starts at 10:00 am.  Come one come all.

Amy Yoshimura, YBA CoAdvisors
High school seniors will soon be graduating. They will be at the podium introducing themselves over the coming weeks.

Rev. Fujii
Reminder that we have a younger Buddhist group for college students.
Visitors were asked to introduce themselves and were welcomed.

Brian, YBA
Reminder that Mothers Day breakfast is next Sunday.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

2014 Obon Information at TSDBT

2014 Obon Information

Obon practice takes place this year July 15, 16 and 17 in the Temple Gymnasium at 7:00 pm.  Come learn the dances or get a refresher from the Minyo Club dancers.

Obon service is scheduled for July 19 at 3:00 pm followed by Obon Dancing at 6:00 pm.

Read more about Obon or watch a practice session.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Formula in Buddhism & the Critical Mistake We Make - Part 1

Formula in Buddhism & the Critical Mistake We Make – Part 1

Here is the formula of learning the Teaching of Buddha. It goes as follows:

1. To learn Buddhism is to learn myself;
2. To learn myself is to learn Buddha’s Compassion;
3. To learn Compassion is to forget myself,
4. And to forget myself is to throw myself into Buddha’s World.

Number 1 does not say that to learn Buddhism is to learn and understand doctrines, terminology or the sutras. It says that to learn Buddhism is to learn myself by and through the Teaching. This means that #1 is pointing out the direction of when and how we learn Buddhism. This is an important point because many followers don’t know this clearly. That’s why many say Buddhism is difficult, or many say, “I don’t get it, even after listening of the Teaching for years.”

Dogen (1200-1253), Zen master, points out the right direction in Buddhism as follows: I proceed myself with efforts heading toward all-Dharma to get it. This direction is nothing but illusory one created by oneself. All-Dharma comes and clarifies myself - it is the direction of Enlightenment. In other words, when I come to realize what I am by and through the Teaching of Buddha, it is the encountering of the Teaching and me. We experience the Teaching of Buddha in this way.

Dogen clearly shows the two directions. Shinran (1172-1263) also emphasizes the two directions using different words: The direction from me to Amida is so-called “Ji-Riki (self calculation). The other direction is the direction from Buddha to me, which is called “Ta-Riki (Other power). Both great masters commonly and clearly show the right direction. In other words, one critical mistake in Buddhism is to try to get all-Dharma in the direction of “from me to all- Dharma”.

Then, how can we come to know what we are by and through the Teaching of Buddha? Shinran says that the Larger Sutra is the true Teaching showing Wisdom and Compassion. It is because the Sutra shows the Vows and the Name. All-Dharma appears to me in form of the Vows and the Name, Namo-Amida-Butsu, and the Vows clarify what I am. Thus, we listen to the Vows and the Name.
The formula, part #1 :To learn Buddhism is to learn myself by and through the Vows. I will touch the Vows in the Larger Sutra one by one in next month’s newsletter.

In Gassho,
 Rev. E.D. Fujii